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Error code: 0
Error message: <br />Database error: #1139<br />Got error 'unknown POSIX class name at offset 66' from regexp<br /><br />Full statement: SELECT p.*, s.quantity, s.deliverytime, s.replacementtime, pc.*, pc.cid as category_id, c.title as category_title, c.description as category_description, u1.code as baseunitname, u2.code as salesunitname, u3.code as shippingunitname, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ipc.cid SEPARATOR ', ') FROM Shop_Product_Category ipc WHERE AS categories , GROUP_CONCAT(if(p.lang_active='t',p.fk_Language, NULL) ORDER BY p.lang_active) as languages FROM Shop_ProductLanguageView p INNER JOIN (select, max(unionids.prio) as prio from (select from Shop_ProductLanguageView p LEFT JOIN Shop_Product_Category pc on LEFT JOIN Shop_CategoryLanguage c ON pc.cid=c.fk_Basetable AND c.fk_Language='en' where p.fk_Language='en' AND (( LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.ean LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.ean LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.title LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.title LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.teaser LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.teaser LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.description LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.description LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.baseunit LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.baseunit LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.salesunit LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.salesunit LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.attributecache LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.attributecache LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR c.title LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR c.title LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%'))) allids LEFT JOIN ((select id, 10 as prio from Shop_ProductLanguageView p where p.fk_Language='en' AND (( regexp '[[:<:]]上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】[[:>:]]'OR regexp '[[:<:]]上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】[[:>:]]' OR p.ean regexp '[[:<:]]上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】[[:>:]]'OR p.ean regexp '[[:<:]]上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】[[:>:]]' OR p.title regexp '[[:<:]]上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】[[:>:]]'OR p.title regexp '[[:<:]]上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】[[:>:]]'))) UNION (select id, 9 as prio from Shop_ProductLanguageView p where p.fk_Language='en' AND (( LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.ean LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.ean LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.title LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.title LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%'))) UNION (select id, 6 as prio from Shop_ProductLanguageView p where p.fk_Language='en' AND ((p.teaser regexp '[[:<:]]上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】[[:>:]]'OR p.teaser regexp '[[:<:]]上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】[[:>:]]' OR p.description regexp '[[:<:]]上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】[[:>:]]'OR p.description regexp '[[:<:]]上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】[[:>:]]'))) UNION (select id, 5 as prio from Shop_ProductLanguageView p where p.fk_Language='en' AND ((p.teaser LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.teaser LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.description LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%' OR p.description LIKE '%上海哪里可以做高仿文凭[【网址】%')))) unionids ON group by id) st ON LEFT JOIN Shop_UnitLanguageView u1 ON p.baseunit=u1.code AND p.fk_Language=u1.fk_Language LEFT JOIN Shop_UnitLanguageView u2 ON p.salesunit=u2.code AND p.fk_Language=u2.fk_Language LEFT JOIN Shop_UnitLanguageView u3 ON p.shippingunit=u3.code AND p.fk_Language=u3.fk_Language LEFT JOIN Shop_Stock s ON LEFT JOIN Shop_Product_Category pc on LEFT JOIN Shop_CategoryLanguage c ON pc.cid=c.fk_Basetable AND c.fk_Language='en' WHERE master='false' AND exclusive='false' AND p.fk_Language IS NOT NULL AND p.fk_Language='en' GROUP BY id ASC ORDER BY st.prio DESC, p.title ASC LIMIT 0,24<br /><br />
File: /var/www/vhosts/
Line Number: 105
Exception Trace
#0 /var/www/vhosts/ XCMS_DBase::error('Full statement:...') #1 /var/www/vhosts/ XCMS_DBase::query('SELECT p.*, s.q...') #2 /var/www/vhosts/ Shop_Product->getAll('*', '', 'title ASC', '0,24', '\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\x93\xAA\xE9\x87\x8C\xE5\x8F\xAF...', false) #3 /var/www/vhosts/ Shop_Product->getAll('*', '', 'title ASC', '0,24', '\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\x93\xAA\xE9\x87\x8C\xE5\x8F\xAF...') #4 /var/www/vhosts/ XCMS_Table_Standard->getAllAsArray('*', '', 'title ASC', '0,24', '\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\x93\xAA\xE9\x87\x8C\xE5\x8F\xAF...') #5 /var/www/vhosts/ Shop_Product->getAllProducts(NULL, 'title ASC', '0,24', '\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\x93\xAA\xE9\x87\x8C\xE5\x8F\xAF...') #6 /var/www/vhosts/ include('/var/www/vhosts...') #7 {main}